Quickie Version on the Bible Being a Work of Plagiarism: The Bible is a “Remix”—Here are the Details! (Explained by Billy Carson) [Esoteric Minds Only]
How Atlanteans Treated/Approached Birth and Death, Learning How Bad OR Good People Could Ascend OR Descend (What Does That Depend on?), How Exactly We Choose Our Parents, Past Lives/Reincarnation Explained Precisely, and More—All Explained From MEMORY!
BEAUTIFUL! I Almost Dismissed This Before I Finished Watching. Perfectly Explained! — MESSAGE FOR 2 DIFFERENT SPIRITUAL GROUPS ON THEIR JOURNEY (WATCHING THIS). | Phil Good
Dimensions 1 – 7 Explained in Detail Initially by Way of Explaining 7D, Prospective Attestation to Your Remaining Physical Until 7D, Understanding “Timelines” + Meditation! — Matías De Stefano