3 months agocan't afford a christmas shopping give them a linux computer with game emulatorslinux gamer alphaVerified
3 months agocan't afford a christmas shopping give them a linux computer with game emulators part 3linux gamer alphaVerified
3 months agocan't afford a christmas shopping give them a linux computer with game emulators part 2linux gamer alphaVerified
2 months agolet's take a look at the steam verson of exploding kittens 2 on linuxlinux gamer alphaVerified
1 month agofacebook is attacking linux and open souce post and facebook groups and I'm going to tell you whylinux gamer alphaVerified
4 months agolet' take a look at voxelibre (formerly mineclone2) and minetestlinux gamer alphaVerified
7 months agolet's try out tales of fablecraft a.k.a. D&D for beginners on linuxlinux gamer alphaVerified
6 months agoI had issues with my computer and my linux desktop and i'm going to tell you what happenlinux gamer alphaVerified