WORLD IN CHAOS—There is a Way Out! (You May Choose to Believe You're Not Responsible for Your Trauma, That's Fine; But Believing You're Not Responsible for Your Healing is 100% REJECTED by the Universe) | Jean Noland, “Inspired".
Sacha Stone’s Digital Workshop Live on Patriot Streetfighter | The Weaponizing of Public Health, Healthcare, and Hiding Cures! But These “Demons” are Your Helpers—They are the Contrast Required for [Growth = Possibly the TOP Law in the Universe].
You are Victim to NO-ONE and NO-THING. — Foul Mouthed Spiritualist | WE in 5D: You’ll Have to End Spiritually Rejecting This Factor and Reclaim Yourself. You Can Prove Your Sovereignty When Lockdowns Hit, as the Universe Happens for You, Not to You!