Doctor Charles Morgan | "You Are Taking Over Somebody Else's Physical Body With the Mind of Another Human." Doctor Charles Morgan (Former Member of the CIA - Speaking to U.S. Cadets At West Point In 2018)
Israel | Why Are the Jewish People So Hated In the World? It Was Through the Nation of Israel That Our Savior Was Born. Israel Gave Us the Apostles & Prophets. Israel Gave Us the Word of God. + Standing w/ the People & Nation of Israel
ReAwaken America Tour | The Ultimate BONUS FRY!!! Jimmy Levy, General Flynn, Roger Stone, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer & Team America Host Pastors for TRUMP Event FREE May 11th 2023 for ReAwaken America Tour Ticket Buyers
Miami ReAwaken Tour Updates | 8 Tickets Remaining | + BONUS Pastors for TRUMP FREE Event for ReAwaken Ticket Buyers: Thursday May 11th @ 7 PM Featuring Flynn, Roger Stone, Pastor Lahmeyer + Request Tickets Via Text At: 918-851-0102
LIVESTREAM Musical Event with WE in 5D and Josh (AKA Aethereal Alchemist) | This Episode From 8/16/24 Was Edited for a Sleeker Smoother Experience in Video/Audio and Running Time. | 8/16: The Day Legends Elvis Died and Madonna Was Born.
Pastor Greg Locke | "We Are Where We Are Because We Have Too Many Mamby-Pamby, Limp Wisted Preachers, Who Won't Bow Their Back Like A Benny Rooster And Preach The Word Of God"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)