1 year ago36. Pleisweiler Gespräch mit Jacques Baud | Teil 2: Diskussion | 08.07.2023 in Bad BergzabernNachDenkSeiten - Die kritische Website
1 year agoApplication DIIA créée par Google. Ou comment contrôler sa population. L'Ukraine en premier !Analyses du Monde
2 years agoWar. The 150th day. The situation on the fronts. The environment of Russians in Vysokopolye.Ukraine is on fire
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2 years agoWar. 153rd day. The situation on the fronts. Will nuclear weapons help Russia?Ukraine is on fire
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2 years agoWar. The 145th day. The situation on the fronts. German arms supplies to Ukraine.Ukraine is on fire
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2 years agoWar. The 146th day. The situation on the fronts. Russia's war with Ukraine.Ukraine is on fire