1. Kamala Harris vows to never stop the killing of black babies

    Kamala Harris vows to never stop the killing of black babies

  2. Woman with three children say if you choose her your a simp

    Woman with three children say if you choose her your a simp

  3. Interracial marriage is a fetish and causes trauma to the child

    Interracial marriage is a fetish and causes trauma to the child

  4. How to Deactivate Windows Activation By Removing Product Key

    How to Deactivate Windows Activation By Removing Product Key

  5. The welfare system was a trap to keep black people from rising up

    The welfare system was a trap to keep black people from rising up

  6. Dont get your hopes up Kamala Harris is not your savior either keep looking

    Dont get your hopes up Kamala Harris is not your savior either keep looking

  7. Civil rights movement integrated us and separated us at the same time

    Civil rights movement integrated us and separated us at the same time

  8. Moral of the story don’t Twerk your life

    Moral of the story don’t Twerk your life
