2 years agoIn Israel during Messiah? #Redemption #Chabad #Torah #Judaism #MessianicAge #Prophecy #BibleTorah Judaism International
4 years agoDo I Throw it all out and Start with Torah? (Part 7–Should Christians Keep the Biblical Feasts?)Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
3 years agoTorah Portion:”Balak”. Part two. And continuing verses that promise Israel’s future redemption.Chadash Yesod Messianic Congregation
10 months agoYYV4C11 Yada Yahowah Observations Teaching Being Accountable Darkness Before the Light…YadaYahowah7
4 years agoBiblical Feasts Reveal the Plan of Redemption Part 2–Should Christians Keep the Biblical Feasts?Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.