4 years ago圣灵充满我 Fill Me with Holy Spirit 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V003WT
4 years ago住在你里面 Abiding In You 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词WorshipTogetherWT V073WT
4 years ago顺服 I Surrender My All 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词字幕WorshipTogetherWT V096WT
4 years ago我要向高山举目 Lift My Eyes Onto The Mountains 诗歌钢琴伴奏(Hymn Accompaniment Piano Cover)歌词WorshipTogether V030WT
4 years ago牺牲的爱 The Sacrificial Love 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V095WT
4 years ago因为有你 Because of You 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V080WT
4 years ago谁能使我与神的爱隔绝 Who Can Separate Us 诗歌钢琴伴奏Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover歌词字幕WorshipTogetherWT V097WT
4 years ago呣免驚耶穌在此 不要怕耶稣在此 It Is I Be not Afraid 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Accompaniment Piano 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V093WT
4 years ago我深深渴慕 I Deeply Desire 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V068WT
4 years ago信靠每一句应许 Trusting In Your Promises诗歌钢琴伴奏Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover歌词WorshipTogetherWT V077WT
4 years ago你爱永不变 Your Love Never Changes 诗歌钢琴伴奏 Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover 歌词 WorshipTogetherWT V092WT
4 years ago千万个理由 10000 Reasons 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词 WorshipTogether V043WT
4 years ago喜乐泉源 Fountain Of Joy 诗歌钢琴伴奏 (Hymn Gospel Accompaniment Piano Cover) 歌词WorshipTogetherWT V070WT