The Gilgamesh Project | "(Hitler & Stalin) What Would They Do W/ the Technology That I'm Developing?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "If You Look At the Book of Professor Harari You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab
Fear Unmasked | Clay Clark Released the Following Video Presentation Titled Fear Unmasked: Discover the Truth About the Coronavirus Shutdown (April 23rd 2020)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | First Man to Expose the Biden Corruption (Giuliani) + “These Are Trials You Would Have During Hitler’s Era.” - Giuliani + Yuval Noah Harari + "They Think It (Abortion) Is Murder, I'm Just OK With That." - Maher
General Flynn | "Yuval Noah Harari Is So Enamored w/ Adolf Hitler. Hitler Exterminated 11 Million Jews. Stalin Killed Over 60 Million. This Guy Is Enamored By Those 2!!!" Why Is WEF Member Yaccarino the New CEO of Twitter? Durham Report Released