Elon Musk | Why Is Elon Musk Discussing Ending MONEY & Universal High Income? "So What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1. 20 Billion Robots. It's Not Even Clear What MONEY Means At That Point."
Humanoid Robots | "I Think the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans Will Be At Least Two to One. Somewhere Around the Order of 10 Billion Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (6/14/24) "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans?" (5/23/24)
Yuval Noah Harari | "VOTING RIGHTS Are Based On the Assumption That All Humans Have Equal Feelings Rather Than Equal Intelligence. What Might Happen If It Turns Out That Not All Humans Have the Same Capacity to Feel?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Humans Are Fallible, Humans Are Corruptible, So We Need to Connect to Something Radically Different That Is Infallible and Incorruptible"