FedNow | Is FedNow the Same As CBDCs? | Cash Ban In 2024? "Here Is Wisdom, Let Him That Hath Understanding Count the Number of the Beast- For It Is the Number of a Man; And His Number Is Six Hundred Threescore And Six." - Rev 13- 16-18
Hamas | They Have Crafty Counsel Against Thy People & Consulted Against Thy Hidden Ones. They Have Said, Come & Let us Cut Them Off Being a Nation; That the Name of Israel May Be No More In Remembrance. Daniel 927, Rev 6, Psalm 83 3-4
Geneva Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2-13