4 months ago10 BUSTED CHAMPIONS that SOLO BOSSES (Epic Cheat Codes!) - Raid Shadow Legends Tier ListGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months agoSACRED SHARD PULLS for TEOX - Double Legendary Time!! - Raid: Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months agoHUGE ANCIENT SHARD PULLS ...My LUCKIEST Opening Ever?? - Raid Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
7 months agoFIRST EVER 2x VOID SHARD PULLS - EPIC ENDING and Big Upgrades! - Raid Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months agoI Took WAY TOO LONG to Build this HYDRA NUKER - Raid Shadow Legends Champion GuideGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
3 months agoBLASTING PERSONAL CVC REWARDS + Farming a Billion Silver - Raid Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
6 months agoSACRED SHARD PULLS for Skorid Fusion (Gnut and Deacon x15!) - Raid: Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months ago7 NUTTY EPICS that DESTROY Dungeon and Doom Tower Bosses! - Raid: Shadow Legends Best ChampionsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
4 months agoThis Legendary Was NOT WHAT I EXPECTED... Raid Shadow Legends Champion Guide (Bivald)GameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months ago8 OP EPICS to Max for Hydra (MUST BUILD!) - Raid: Shadow Legends Tier ListGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
10 months agoQueen Eva GOT BUFFED!! - RAID SHADOW LEGENDSRaid Shadow Legends - PutinBot GamingVerified
6 months agoFIRST EVER SOULSTONE SUMMON PULLS (Sometimes Lucky!) - Raid: Shadow Legends EventGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
3 years agoGrunch Killjoy actually brought me some JOY! | Raid: Shadow LegendsFusebox Gaming | Raid: Shadow Legends
6 months agoBEST RARE Champion for EVERY FACTION (Easy 6 Stars!?) - Raid: Shadow Legends Tier ListGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
6 months agoEVERYONE MUST DO THIS! - BIG Artifact Upgrade Tips (Easy Silver!) - Raid: Shadow Legends GuideGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
3 years agoFitting Ninja into This Budget Unkillable Team | Raid: Shadow LegendsFusebox Gaming | Raid: Shadow Legends
7 months agoMY FIRST HYDRA 1 KEY TEAM! - This Legendary Champ SAVED ME 😅 - Raid Shadow Legends PackmasterGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends
5 months agoPULLING EVERY VOID SHARD for Odin! - "This is MADNESS" - Raid: Shadow LegendsGameLeap RAID Shadow Legends