Jim Breuer + Liz Crokin | Epstein & Pizzagate 101 + Why Is Gates Creating 30 Million Mosquitos PER WEEK?! Why Are Scotland’s Turbines Powered By Diesel? Yuval Noah Harari & Brain-Computer Interfaces? Why Did the FDA Approve Musk’s Neuralink?
Dr. Andy Wakefield | “This Is Her Lawyer, He Said “They Called Me Back Two Weeks Later And Said We Can No Longer Prosecute This Case In The Same Way, She Will Be Released From Prison Next Week.” - Dr. Andy Wakefield
Carbon Footprint | "Then Some Peasant Can Sell His Carbon Allowance to Leonardo DiCaprio So Leonardo Can Park His Yacht for a Few More Days." - GBN News + Greece Started Rolling Out Digital ID Cards Last Week
Friday Night Shabbat: Miracle of Miracles John Bellesorte Rejoins Zoom Prayer Group In Miraculous Healing, Beautiful Letter From Subscriber, T-Minus One Week Until The Fall 2024 Campus Preaching Tour Begins!!!! Praise Yah and His Son Yahshua!!!!