Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!
Newsweek Reports: Thousands of Christians Condemn Trump Allies' 'Hateful Political Agenda' | Fatma Khaled of Newsweek Says They Attempted to Reach Me for Comments | Please Share My Cell 918-851-0102 with
Stony Brook Univ: In A Stunning Twist, 100 Students Gather In Sobriety, Raising Hands, Asking Over 50 Very Good Questions, Then Hecklers Return & Crowd Explodes w/ Rage, Police Advise Me To Leave, Christian Students Emboldened To Confront The Darkness
CORPORATE GLOBALIST LAND GRAB: IDF Tanks Reach Just 25km From Damascus As Netanyahu Declares Golan Is 'Ours Forever' | Israeli Tanks Enter Syria as Damascus Falls, IDF Warns Rebels Not to Cross ‘Alfa Line’
Valdosta State University: Strong Christian Joins Me, Large Crowd of Over 50 Students Gather, Rebuking A Hypocrite Female, Dealing with Muslims, Homosexuals and Skeptics