1. Swamp-butt. We’re still out there. People spray painting their lawns? Weird.

    Swamp-butt. We’re still out there. People spray painting their lawns? Weird.

  2. We’re stuck together like butt cheeks. Making BIG money this season!

    We’re stuck together like butt cheeks. Making BIG money this season!

  3. BULK or BAG Mulch? Intensive mulch bed repair. Go deep or go home. Homie.

    BULK or BAG Mulch? Intensive mulch bed repair. Go deep or go home. Homie.

  4. Dogs Attack mower man | How we Mulch Job (a small one)

    Dogs Attack mower man | How we Mulch Job (a small one)

  5. Neighbor bitches! Landscaper's Blower noise. SNAPPED! He's had enough! BIG SNAKE/Tiny Mulch job

    Neighbor bitches! Landscaper's Blower noise. SNAPPED! He's had enough! BIG SNAKE/Tiny Mulch job

  6. The cleanup is the most important part of the job! | Stihl RB 200 Pressure Washer Come hang out with us!

    The cleanup is the most important part of the job! | Stihl RB 200 Pressure Washer Come hang out with us!

  7. Z-Spray LTS. First day out! Will this machine make us money?

    Z-Spray LTS. First day out! Will this machine make us money?

  8. Banking BIG money. Trees with bagworms and OVERGROWN lawns have us HUSTLING!

    Banking BIG money. Trees with bagworms and OVERGROWN lawns have us HUSTLING!

  9. FOAM CANNON. Is our GOVERNMENT CORRUPT? Conspiracy theories, FREE SPEECH and the 2022 EQUIP EXPO!

    FOAM CANNON. Is our GOVERNMENT CORRUPT? Conspiracy theories, FREE SPEECH and the 2022 EQUIP EXPO!

  10. Offended? Learn how an AMERICAN deals with that. | Turner Falls, Davis Oklahoma!

    Offended? Learn how an AMERICAN deals with that. | Turner Falls, Davis Oklahoma!

  11. My Story of Habitual Sin and Victory (1 John Chapter 3) Faith Friday (Mowing in the Dark Podcast)

    My Story of Habitual Sin and Victory (1 John Chapter 3) Faith Friday (Mowing in the Dark Podcast)

  12. Lawn mower routine maintenance. Gidget deserves a spanking. Bad girl!

    Lawn mower routine maintenance. Gidget deserves a spanking. Bad girl!

  13. We are OFFICIALLY in the snow game! She likes it salty.

    We are OFFICIALLY in the snow game! She likes it salty.

  14. Stihl FS 91 weed eater- EATS IT. Why we VLOG our Business. | Son gifts Father for Father’s Day!

    Stihl FS 91 weed eater- EATS IT. Why we VLOG our Business. | Son gifts Father for Father’s Day!

  15. Our F-250 saved our lives. It’s totaled. Airless tires on the Exmark Lazer Z zero-turn! Amazing!

    Our F-250 saved our lives. It’s totaled. Airless tires on the Exmark Lazer Z zero-turn! Amazing!

  16. Confession: How much we embezzled from our family business.

    Confession: How much we embezzled from our family business.

  17. Kidney Stones? Urine trouble! Lex in her new bikini? NSFW.🔥

    Kidney Stones? Urine trouble! Lex in her new bikini? NSFW.🔥

  18. Is college holding you back from making a decent living? Also: Happy B-Day JT!

    Is college holding you back from making a decent living? Also: Happy B-Day JT!

  19. How much you paying for gas? We know how to fix that!

    How much you paying for gas? We know how to fix that!

  20. Encounter: Guard dog at the Horse Farm | Adding a John Deere mower to our stables. Maybe.

    Encounter: Guard dog at the Horse Farm | Adding a John Deere mower to our stables. Maybe.

  21. Making BIG money in the off-season? CHRISTMAS CASH! Can it be done? Let’s find out!

    Making BIG money in the off-season? CHRISTMAS CASH! Can it be done? Let’s find out!
