There is nothing wrong with you! | Inner guidance communication | High vibration words
The grounded starseeds
Marina: guardian angels & their messages | Galactic & Terran connections interview
The grounded starseeds
Altean common memories and corroborations part 2 | Galactic & Terran connections discussion
The grounded starseeds
Celebrating our lives as they are! | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
Healthy boundaries: fort or radiance? | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
Unconditional love: it's in the little things! | Creative Intuitive Transmission |High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
"Letting go" | Vlog | Digital landscape black and white photography | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
Become the leader of your own life! | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
My memories of the “Lyran” Man system & the Manahu (Pleiades) |Galactic & Terran connection memories
The grounded starseeds
Treating yourself as you treat others | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
Kivanç: galactic memory recovery tips, Ormong, Ummit & more |Galactic & Terran connections interview
The grounded starseeds
Lupe: benevolent moderation, Elarthian, Zenae, Ahil & more | Galactic & Terran connections interview
The grounded starseeds
Dakota: Taal, T-Ashkeru & Terran multidimensional memories | Galactic & Terran connections interview
The grounded starseeds
Vicky: Going within and rediscovering who we are - Manifesting a positive reality on Terra
The grounded starseeds
Honor you secret garden: be yourself! | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
Our guidance is who we are | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art
The grounded starseeds
"The gaze" Inner guidance and animal photography | High vibration art and words
The grounded starseeds
Susie: facilitator of healing, acupressure & body memories | Manifesting a positive reality on Terra
The grounded starseeds
Benevolence in every thought and action | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High Vibration art
The grounded starseeds
The healthy step back of ego for transmutation | Creative Intuitive Transmission |High vibration Art
The grounded starseeds