General Flynn | Has Ukraine’s Bombing Of Russia Lit The Fuse Triggering WWIII? + “The Ratio of Humanoid Robots Will Be More Than 1 to 1. There Might Be 10 for Every 1 Human." - Elon Musk (11/17/2024)
Artificial Intelligence | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Half Joking We Need AI Government. It Might Be the Way to Go." - Joe Rogan + "This Is the End of Human History. Power Is Shifting to a Non-Human Intelligence." - Yuval H
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Might Be Just 5 or 10 Years Away from Having Super Intelligent AIs That Are Far More Intelligent That Us." - 12/6/2024 + "Memphis, Perhaps That Is Where Our New God Will Come From." - Elon Musk
The Truth About mRNA Vaccines | Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Truth About mRNA Shots, CRISPR, Self-Replicating Xenobots and Embryogenesis Featuring Footage from Elon Musk, Dr. Malone, the CEO of Pfizer, Google’s Ray Kurzweil, etc.
🤬😲 Biden Admin pay people $12000 a yr per kid to DAMAGE him or her!! Woman upset Trump won't pay for her kid who thinks he's a CAT to transition him but pays mortgage w/ the money. HOW MANY KAMALA CRYERS LOSING $$ Too?