Earth without Oil, Remote Viewing BEYOND 2023 and Timeline Shifts Vs. Creating Your Reality [YOU ARE Creating the Timeline Shifts!!] — Note: The Information Given on Remote Viewing is EXACTLY the Same Way to Understand the Use of Tarot! | Gregg Braden
“Good” People Vs. “Bad” People, and Their Ascension… or Not. — How it All ACTUALLY Works, and it’s Probably Way Different Than You’d Think or Even Prefer it to be. | Matías De Stefano
REVEALED: How the Illuminati Hire Murderers (They're Your Cops, Doctors, Military Men and Women, Scientists, and More!) + Vintage Fox News (I-Team) Report of Depopulation Being Carried Out Before the CIA had Full Grasp of TV!
"2024 is the Final Battle!" — [WE in 5D Side Note: “Final Battle” for a Less Lengthy Timeline; Otherwise We are Still Bottlenecked into 5D!] | President Trump’s Latest Ad (5/21/23)