6 months agoNew Body Cam Footage PROVES Police Warned Secret Service About Rooftop DAYS In Advance 8-9-24 Timcaslevtcs
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6 months agoliberal democrat cult klan Kamala’s LyING Answer on her democrat fake news cnn softball interview!levtcs
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1 year agoPresident Donald Trump Speaks in Laconia, New Hampshire (January 22, 2024)The Bearded Patriots
6 months agodemocrat cult Kamala Harris & Fake News Media has nation in a honeymoon state. How's your life NOW!levtcs
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6 months agoNew York Times Report: desperate liar liberal democrat Tim Walz FAKE IVF CONCEPTION OF HIS CHILDRENlevtcs
6 months ago🚨 democrat The Bronx New York City knew liberal satanic democrat cult indian kamala faking blackneslevtcs
7 months agoElon Musk DESTROYS fake news CBS FALSELY Claiming Trump LIED About Kamala Helping Bail Out Murdererslevtcs
1 year agoBilly Falcon - New Music, Encouragement & Truth for Such a Time as This!Warriors4ChristRise
7 months agoDisturbing New Footage Of Pres Trump's Butler Pennsylvania rally Shooter's Training Goes Viral 7-21levtcs
6 months agoULTIMATE FACT CHECK lib democrat cult klan kamala-tim fake news CNN shameless interview Lies Exposedlevtcs