CONTINUE TO APPLY YOUR INNATE GOD-GIVEN WISDOM. Do not take ANY-THING you hear for granted! Piece the puzzle together, as YOU KNOW it to be | The Economy of the Third Reich: How to finance War against the World?
Trump, Kiyosaki & Clark | Join Eric Trump, Robert Kiyosaki & Clay Clark In Tulsa, Oklahoma At Clay Clark's 2-Day Business Growth Conference (March 6-7) + Learn Branding, Marketing, Sales, Workflow, Finance (2 Tickets Remain)
Jeffrey Sachs Tears Apart US Financing Wars in Ukraine and Israel. PLUS: Top Aide Gustavo Bolívar on Colombia’s New Government, the Drug War, and More | SYSTEM UPDATE 229
Lindy Li, of the DNC Finance Committee, says Kamala Harris’ Loss is a “$1.2 Billion Disaster!” — Biden’s Endorsement of Kamala was a Big F*ck You to the Party — and says Promises were made to Donors and They’re PISSED!