CIA Document on the “Gateway Process” and Mankind’s Hidden Potential — Another Seemingly Unlikely Esoteric Report from a Journalist at Alex Jones’ InfoWars!
SIGHTINGS: Idaho Residents Terrified Over Series of UFO Sightings, Commercial Airline Pilot Barely Avoids Collision with UFO, Revising Roswell, and Much More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
OOF!! You Need to Watch This.. You Don’t Progress Passed Experiencing the Illuminati Until You Know THIS, Which is Precisely Why They Keep You Dumbed, and This Hidden! | Like Ashayana Deane-Level Knowledge WITHOUT the Polarized Talk (No “Diss”)
Were Remnants of Atlantis Hidden for Ages and Revealed Only Briefly at The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair (and Other States), or Was Atlantean (Tesla) Technology Used to Build Such a Display so Fast.. Only to Have it be Destroyed Soon After?
BOMBSHELL: Pity Diddy Just the Tip of the Iceberg! Might He Expose Them ALL? They're After Him Not to Gather Evidence, BUT TO HIDE IT! Remember Folks, This is 3D. You Don't Get to 5D TIL YOU TAKE IT. | Redacted News
Illuminati Throws P Diddy Under the Buss as Feds Raid His Homes. One Wonders What the Attempted Optic is. This is the 3D—Justice isn't Given for the Sake of it; it's Given to Hide Larger Injustices OR IT'S GIVEN BY THE PEOPLE (Rare).
DreamSpell: The Fiction of Time, and Hidden Ancient Technologies! | Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter (Link in Description).
Ice Cube: The CIA Race War Program is Behind Radicalization of Blacks Through Gangster Rap.. + Attacks on Whites Accelerate as the Media Encourages Black Tribalism and Hides Crime Statistics.