Yuval Noah Harari | The Great Reset EXPLAINED | "Direct Brain-Computer Interfaces, Adding a Second Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano Robots."
CBDC | "China Is Using Technology to Monitor All of Its People. It's Like Adding Your Facebook Data to Your Credit Score Only with FAR MORE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES."
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
Revelation | Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? Connecting the Dots Between mRNA Modifying Nano Technology, Brain Chips, Transhumanism, CBDCs and the Book of Revelation
CBDCs & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two?! Understanding the Connection Between Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism, the COVID-19 mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Shots and BRICS
The Great Reset | The World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting Launches Global Plan to Destroy Humanity By Removing the Image of God In You (The Connection Between CBDCs, CRISP, mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology and the COVID-19 Shots)
Have Rocket, Will Travel (1959 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Sci-Fi/Comedy | Summary: While cleaning at a spaceport the boys accidentally take off for Venus. They encounter many creatures including an A.I. computer that makes evil clones of the Stooges.