3 years agoShitlord88 has some choice words for old uncle Josh, and hilarity ensues.Macrofinance & Geopolitics
1 year agoThe Feeney Family Murders | Unsolved Crime | A REAL lawyer examines the evidenceJoshua Roberts
3 years agoAFPAC AZ useful idiots, recount debacle, RINO governor/AG Ducey, etc.Macrofinance & Geopolitics
3 years ago#InfiniteRepublicRadio (pt.2_02.27.22) @NickDiPaolo Shows (02.21-02.25)Macrofinance & Geopolitics
2 years ago#Putin Calling the #NWO Bluff, 2008.2 has already begun (#GRWC pt2_03.07.22)Macrofinance & Geopolitics
1 year agoBeauty Queen Murder | The Story of Jackie Johns | Murder Mystery that SHOCKED a Small TownJoshua Roberts
1 year agoMEXICAN DRUG CARTELS | The COMPLETE History of the DEA's TOP 5 Most Influential Drug CartelsJoshua Roberts