What We Call Vibrational “Alignment” Alex Jones Calls “Locked in”. Is He Suggesting Something More About Trump? Either Way.. if You are True to Yourself You Can Surpass A.I. Which at This Point You’ve Let Surpass You. STAY in Alignment!
Gregg Braden Interviews Daniel Estulin: The Coming of the 4th Change, and The Epic of Cybernetic Immortality! (7/14/23) | Daniel Estulin Has Been Interviewed by the Likes of Billy Carson, and Alex Jones—Whom Estulin has Even Crashed Past Bilderberg Meet
Did Elon Musk Join David Icke and Alex Jones for a Debate? | WE in 5D: I'm No Musk Hater, I Admire Aspects of Him, and I Use Such People Until I Can’t. Everyone Should Do as THEY WANT w/out Forcing Others. What I Want?—I Wont Put ANY Tech in Me!
WE in 5D: “As with Even the MOST Revered by Me (Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, Whoever) I NEVER Agree with Every Single Little Detail They Divulge—I’ll Give Greer the Benefit of the Doubt That He Wants to Warn of Project Blue Beam Through any Means.“