1. Ep 51 The Mixed Economic Numbers ( Tom Kemler)

    Ep 51 The Mixed Economic Numbers ( Tom Kemler)

  2. Ep. 37 - Economic Issues, Death of a Lunatic, and a Falling Building (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 37 - Economic Issues, Death of a Lunatic, and a Falling Building (Tom Kemler)

  3. Ep.6 - Aftermath of Snowpocalypse and the Upcoming Stimulus Bill (Tom Kemler)

    Ep.6 - Aftermath of Snowpocalypse and the Upcoming Stimulus Bill (Tom Kemler)

  4. Ep.15 - M Covid Vaccinations a day, Herd Immunity and the Suez Canal (Tom Kemler)

    Ep.15 - M Covid Vaccinations a day, Herd Immunity and the Suez Canal (Tom Kemler)

  5. Ep. 9 - The Rise of the Reddit Mob and GameStop (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 9 - The Rise of the Reddit Mob and GameStop (Tom Kemler)

  6. Should You Buy UBER Stock After Their Latest New York City Taxi Deal? Plus UBER Price Target

    Should You Buy UBER Stock After Their Latest New York City Taxi Deal? Plus UBER Price Target

  7. Ep. 28 - Shipping Issues Again and Achegos Family Office. Both a Trainwreck (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 28 - Shipping Issues Again and Achegos Family Office. Both a Trainwreck (Tom Kemler)

  8. Coinbase and the SEC: Holding Office Hours with Gary Gensler

    Coinbase and the SEC: Holding Office Hours with Gary Gensler

  9. Ep. 3 - 2020 What the Pundits Got Right and Wrong (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 3 - 2020 What the Pundits Got Right and Wrong (Tom Kemler)

  10. Ep. 11 Market Volatility, Strengthening Dollar, and Continued Signs of Economic Strength(Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 11 Market Volatility, Strengthening Dollar, and Continued Signs of Economic Strength(Tom Kemler)

  11. Ep. 33 - China Plant Fire Mixed Economics Bag and Quadruple Witching Again (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 33 - China Plant Fire Mixed Economics Bag and Quadruple Witching Again (Tom Kemler)

  12. Ep. 31- Covid at the lowest Point in 18 Months. The Rise of The Meme Stocks (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 31- Covid at the lowest Point in 18 Months. The Rise of The Meme Stocks (Tom Kemler)

  13. Ep. 22 - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.... Yet Big Misses in the Economic Numbers (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 22 - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.... Yet Big Misses in the Economic Numbers (Tom Kemler)

  14. Ep. 43 Economic Surprise, Markets Getting Back to Normal, A Sprinter Fails(Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 43 Economic Surprise, Markets Getting Back to Normal, A Sprinter Fails(Tom Kemler)

  15. Ep. 38 Fallout from Market Activities and a Lack of Employees (Tom Kemler)

    Ep. 38 Fallout from Market Activities and a Lack of Employees (Tom Kemler)
