7 months ago"LIVE" Terraforming Mars "The Planet Crafter" & @9:30pm cst Drunkin "Golf with your Friends"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" Fighting Bugs in "HellDivers 2" For Super Earth & Maybe "Lethal Company"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" Squashing Bugs in "HellDivers 2" for Super Earth. & "Lethal Company"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" Trying out "Contraband Police" then playing "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" Stopping Smugglers "Contraband Police" & "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Super Earth.Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "HellDivers 2" Fighting Bugs for Super Earth. "Contraband Police"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" Defending Super Earth "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Democracy.Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "HellDivers 2" Killing bugs for Democracy & @9:30pm cst Drunk "Golf with your Friends"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "HellDivers 2" Killing bugs for Super Earth & MoreMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
5 months ago"LIVE" Diving Into more "Murky Divers" Then at 9:30pm cst is Drunkin "Golf with your Friends" NightMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" "HellDivers 2" Liberating Super Earth From the Bugs. Maybe "Pumping Simulator 2"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
9 months ago"LIVE" Fighting for "HellDivers 2" Super Earth, For Liberty.Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Democracy & Super Earth & "Contraband Police"Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "Contraband Police" Anniversary Update & "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs 4 Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" Sunday Funday "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Democracy & Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" Saturday Night Gaming "HellDivers 2" Killing Bugs for Democracy & Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "Lethal Company" Update Beta v50 "HellDivers 2" Killing Bots for Democracy & Super Earth.Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" New Game "The Planet Crafter" 1.0 Out Now & "HellDivers 2" For Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
8 months ago"LIVE" "Lethal Company" V50 New Moons/Monsters & "HellDivers 2" For Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
7 months ago"LIVE" "HELLDIVERS 2" For Super Earth & "The Planet Crafter" We are at Plankton/Fish egg stage.Misfit Electronic GamingVerified
7 months ago"LIVE" "The Planet Crafter" We can make Animals now & "HellDivers 2" For Super EarthMisfit Electronic GamingVerified
6 months ago"LIVE" "HELLDIVERS 2" For Super Earth "Sketchys Contract" & "Lethal Company" Stealing Scrap from Monsters. Join Me!Misfit Electronic GamingVerified