Isn't It Interesting How Many Of the D.C. U.S. Corporation Members Claiming To Be The U.S.A. Government Are Zionists? You thought they were Christians?
ReAwaken America Tour Nashville, TN | 7 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Nashville, TN + ReAwaken America Tour May Miami, FL Tickets Now On Sale!!!
The Great Reset | The Great Reset Agenda Explained In Their Own Words In 15 Minutes (Featuring Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc.)
CBDCs | "With the Advances In Digital Technology Vaccine Passports Will Not Be About Health. Vaccine Passports Are Part of a Financial Transaction Control Grid That Will Absolutely End Human Liberty In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
CBDCs | "You Can Implement Complete Control. Let's Say I Want to Mandate a Vaccine, Your Access to Your Financial Assets Can Be Denied or Stopped If You Don't Do What You Are Told." - Catherine Austin Fitts Explains CBDCs