1. Rep. Crenshaw: Reopening The Government Was The Right Move - Now Let's Talk About Making a Deal

    Rep. Crenshaw: Reopening The Government Was The Right Move - Now Let's Talk About Making a Deal

  2. Rep. Dan Crenshaw: A Message to Small-Minded Tyrants

    Rep. Dan Crenshaw: A Message to Small-Minded Tyrants

  3. Crenshaw on Impeachment Inquiry Vote: The Facts Haven’t Changed, This Only Codifies a Bad Process

    Crenshaw on Impeachment Inquiry Vote: The Facts Haven’t Changed, This Only Codifies a Bad Process

  4. Everything crashed stream....let's put it back together, together.... it's a Realtystream

    Everything crashed stream....let's put it back together, together.... it's a Realtystream

  5. Everything crashed stream lets put it back together, together its a Realtystream[reupload]

    Everything crashed stream lets put it back together, together its a Realtystream[reupload]

  6. Crenshaw: We Have to Understand That Outcome of Baghdadi Mission Is Result of US Presence in Syria

    Crenshaw: We Have to Understand That Outcome of Baghdadi Mission Is Result of US Presence in Syria

  7. Part 2 Supplement TX FULL FOOTAGE: Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for PP

    Part 2 Supplement TX FULL FOOTAGE: Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for PP

  8. 🔴👀🔴 A Look at Rep Crenshaw's Human Trafficking Symposium in Houston

    🔴👀🔴 A Look at Rep Crenshaw's Human Trafficking Symposium in Houston

  9. Is Having Bark on Your Smoking Wood Good or Bad? | Ep 22

    Is Having Bark on Your Smoking Wood Good or Bad? | Ep 22

  10. Congressman Dan Crenshaw: Enough Dishonest Debate, Secure Our Borders, It's What The People Want

    Congressman Dan Crenshaw: Enough Dishonest Debate, Secure Our Borders, It's What The People Want
