2 years agoTaurus New Year Intentions: I Am SAFE in my Heart! 5th Dimensional Access!The Portal Tarot
2 years agoKundalini Meditation Frequency for Connecting With The UNIVERSAL MIND | Music+Binaural BeatsYouCreateYourReality
2 years agoGuided meditation | Remove stress and worry within you & the triggers they come from | Its POWERFUL!*
2 years agoHEAL TRIGGERS- practical method that works! | Becoming the alchemist to create peace & happiness*
6 months agoVisioning Prayer Session 08.15.24: Part 1-Creating The World With Intention & Sacred GeometryVisioning with JulieB. Ministries
2 years agoFrequency of 528 Podcast: Toroidal Coils, Terahertz technology - Mary Sunshine joins us!GeniusBiofeedback