DeDollarization | "Role of the U.S. Dollar Will Continue to Decline. It's Role As Reserve Currency Is Also Going to Decline." - John Pang (Oct 9th 2023) + "Central Banks Continue to Buy Gold At a Pace That the World Has Never Seen.&quo
Lucifer | Was Lucifer Actually In Control of Music In Heaven? Ezekiel 28:13 Is the Music Industry Satanically Inspired? + What Is the REAL Agenda Behind Hollywood? Where Did the Word "Hollywood" Come From? + Matthew 16:26
CBDCs | Why Did Joe Rogan Read Revelation Chapter 13? "CBDCs, What Are They Going to Look Like? It Was Around This Large And Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
Yuval Noah Harari | A.I. Bible? Why Did WEF's Yuval Noah Harari Show Up As the Euphrates River Dried Up? (Revelation 16:12-13) | "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Harari