2 years agoWhy does Michael Burry think the Fed will stop selling Treasury Bond TLT early next year?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWhat did Michael Burry mean exactly by warning "This time is different"? Why is long bond TLT sold?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoMichael Burry was Right to warn "SELL" because who is Really Behind this Bear Market Rally in StocksAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoThe Untold reason Warren Buffett SOLD most of his TSMC & US bank stocks soon after buying them (BMR)AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWave Structure of TLT flashes Warning to Stock bulls! CPI Red flag Long Bond I am Selling this BMRAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
1 year agoThe Easiest Ways to make money in Bear Markets that actually work! How to get high yield without AI?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoDr. Lacy Hunt warns a Liquidity Crisis is coming. Watch for another Lehman Brothers-like failure.AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoHow will China's Invasion of the Taiwan Crisis Crash the US stock market in 2022?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoHow Michael Burry's feeling was proved RIGHT Already just from last month! Any idea how short he is?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWhy is TLT showing the bond market understands the terminal rate maybe 6% to beat inflation?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoWhy is TLT going higher if the Fed to keep rates above 5% into 2024 to succeed in taming inflation?AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoPrepare for a 35% crash when the Fed Pivots TLT will rise Rate will fall 76% of Yield Curve InvertedAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoLacy Hunt predicted at what time inflation will drop down to 2% If the Fed keeps on raising rates QTAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
1 year agoDruckenmiller: Bear Market has ways to run! Why bond market warns Fed that rate cut is 100% certainAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
1 year agoYour DAILY #FloridaManNews - #FloridaMan KodiyakRedd from #IslandBoys arrested for Domestic Abuse!TheGuerrillaGamer
3 years agoDay After Day - The Alan Parsons Project mastered ( audio studio) ( lyrics in description )Alverdewords
2 years agoChina is going to Export inflation (On Purpose) & Blow up the US bond market as The Fed crash stocksAUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
2 years agoMichael Burry & Jamie Dimon were RIGHT the stock market will easily Crash Another 20% from 3636AUDACIOUSMONEYWITCH
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