SHOCKING PAIRING: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Interviews Spiritual Teacher Aaron Abke | WE in 5D: “A Lovely Interaction That I Don’t Think I Could Pull Off Nearly as Nicely—But the Rev. was Also Very Graceful. This is 5D Sifting for its Inhabitants!”
Nobody of the Freedom-Minded Really Cares About Consenting Adults Living Their Lives; Anybody Sane Cares About Children Growing Up as Untainted as Possible from the Outside World Until Adult Age! It’s Just as Simple as That.
RFK Jr. on His Son’s Ayahuasca Journey | While Trump is the Most Centrist (it Just Means Sane) Republican, and Even the Most Centrist President of any Party in a Long Time, RFK Jr. is the Balance Ideal in a Hypothetical Trump/Kennedy Run.
You’re About as Racist as the Annunaki, as Good as Them, as Bad as Them, as Manipulative as Them, Just Like Them.. This is Where You get it All from. How do We Transcend That?—We’re Basically Doing it Now! + Illuminati Bloodlines. | Billy Carson
LOL: CNN's Internal Revolt Over the Trump Town Hall (a Product of CNN's New Ownership—Rumors and Opinions Reveal Implications That the Owner is a Friend of President Trump's). #RumorUntilConfirmed #ThatsHowiRoll #AbsoluteMeltdown
Let's Have a Chat with a Chinese Migrant (Poor Guy!) Illegally Coming to America, LIVE From the Darian Gap + The CCP and The Illuminati [TO HAVE IT OUT] in the Future, Despite The Illuminati’s Current Plans of Mass Migration Unfolding in Real Time!