Artificial Intelligence | "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the DEMON." - Elon Musk | "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence. Yes (We Could Download Our Human Brain Capacity Into An Optimus Robot." - Elon
The Alien Love Bite: How ET’s Manipulate Human Relationships and False Twin Flames in Abduction Programs | Eve Lorgen on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today"
Anti-Radiation Medication | Why Did the United States Department of Health and Human Services Just Buy $300 Million of Anti-Radiation Poisoning Medication?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Most Legal Systems Are Based On a Belief In Human Rights. Human Rights,Just Like God In Heaven Are Just a Story That We've Invented. Take a Human Being, Cut Him Open, You Won't Find Any Rights."
Peter McCullough | "Within a Few Months of the COVID-19 Crisis, He Publishes a Book Called COVID-19 / The Great Reset. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Not About Changing Industries Its About Changing Human Beings." - Doctor Peter McCullough