1 year agocup of coffee 3023---Human Remains Collectors Arrested by FBI (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4022---One Hell of a Week Including Bigfoot! (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 3039---Pentagon AARO Head Kirkpatrick Whines He's Offended by UAP HearingWarlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 3013---Biden Open to Plans to Block Out Sun; Par for the Course (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4001---Frankenfood; 3D Printed Fake Salmon Made from Fungi (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
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1 year agocup of coffee 3059---Very Believable Bigfoot Video Rediscovered (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4114---Winter Weather Common Sense; Don't Stand on the Edge of Snow (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
11 months agocup of coffee 4164---Can We Return to the Innocence of The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T? (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4113---Digital Necromancy (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2089---WTF File: Man Gets Flesh-eating Disease After Relative Bites Him (*Adult Lang)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2079---Earth's New 'Moon' (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2037---Flat Earther Accidentally Proves Earth is Round (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4084---Mind Funked By Marketing (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 3078---WTF File: Pain Is Supposed to be a Warning (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4108---Reasons Not to Have a House Cam: Shadow People (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4023---Doom Town - A Mannequin Mystery Opens October 20, 2023Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2097--Mic Drops about Shadow Government from Dr. Greer's Press Event (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
11 months agocup of coffee 4178---Reaction to "The Boy With Green Hair" (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4069---The CIA Office Designed for World Wide UFO RetrievalWarlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4048---China Claims Plans to Mass Produce Robots Within 2 Years (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
11 months agocup of coffee 4172---Podling Pirate Party and You're Invited! (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4000---Former Google 'Futurist' Predicts Kids will become 'Co-Bots' to AI (*Adlt Lang)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 2093---Drone Spots Chupacabra in Bolivia? (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
1 year agocup of coffee 4138---Apple Vision in Public; Don't Do It for Many Reasons (*Adult Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream