ANTIFA and Environmental Militants Attack Cop Training Facility in Atlanta | Merrick Garland Denies DOJ and FBI are Targeting Pro-life Americans | Dr. Sherwood, Reverend Harden
Conservative Daily 2/24/23 AM Show - Media, Education, Healthcare, Technology, AI is Weaponized Against Children! Why Doesn't the WH Press Secretary Know Who the POTUS is?
(BREAK) Even though IT'S been used like TOILET PAPER 🧻 I still do beleive in my personal right Of CHOICE! - SEE HOW THE FUCKED YOU IN THE DESCRIPTION 👀👇
Dr. Carol Rosin on Wernher von Braun (2001, National Press Club Washington DC): NASA's Hoax Extraterrestrial Threat Deception to Weaponize Space + Extra Corroborating Empirical Footage