Putin and Xi on Hot Mic—Evidence of BOTH Working with the White Hats? Possibly so! Normie Conservatives and Some Libs are Terrified. And if This Video DOES Represent the Worst—Sovereign Transcending Souls be not Afraid! #StarseedPrivilege
SIGHTINGS: U.S. Military Merging Alien Technology with Their Own, Investigating Alien Abductions—Are They Warning Humanity of Something?, and What is the True Face of Aliens?.. + More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
EXPLAINED: "God Only Helps Those Who Helps Themselves" (Law of Attraction). You MUST Understand the Video Game Concept Younger Lightworkers Understand! Thoughts/Feeling are One Step. ACTION is Required.. Albeit Inspired Action. | WEin5D, Archaix
RFK Jr. Speaks on the World Economic Forum and Climate Change (During Kim Iverson Interview) + the Mainstream Work Fast to Deny, Reject, and Create a Mass Public Perception of Him!
2 BLACK PILLED's (Important Detail to Remember) Argue About How American Citizens Can Endure and Protect Themselves During the Current Collapse of the Old World. | Tim Pool Debates Harrison Smith of InfoWars
Happy S🌞NDAY of "Worship" (AKA Drama/Ancient PsyOp & Self-Hatred) | This is What Communists Have So Far SUCCESSFULLY Had Planned for Spirituality—Especially Weak Spirituality (Most) and FAUX-Spirituality (Absolutely Abrahamic Religions)
Zerohedge Debates Presents: "Should Trump Be The Next President?" Feat. Alex Jones (Roger Stone Couldn’t Make it), Viva Frei, George Papadpoulos, and More! (3/25/24)
Illuminati Operatives (Antifa Types) Attempt to Block the Press From Investigating Maui Fires! + How to Physically and Spiritually Handle What’s Coming.
BINGO! | "This is Our Last Time Coming Back!" SIMULATION CONVERSATION with Jean Nolan and Jane Barlow (FULL Talk Linked in Description Below) | WE in 5D: This is What We Praise and Go By Here @ WE! #Catalyst #WillingToOffend #Shorts