1. Story before every release: a never ending battle! 😂 development lead and testing lead

    Story before every release: a never ending battle! 😂 development lead and testing lead

  2. Crazy, sophisticated and beautiful inventions اختراعات مجنونة ومتطورة وجميلة

    Crazy, sophisticated and beautiful inventions اختراعات مجنونة ومتطورة وجميلة

  3. This is a great piece of work!Agree? What a creative idea to turn Walnuts into a stunning lamp! 👏🏻

    This is a great piece of work!Agree? What a creative idea to turn Walnuts into a stunning lamp! 👏🏻

  4. 99٪ من الناس لن يحققوا أحلامهم لسبب واحد! 99% of people will not achieve their dreams for one reason

    99٪ من الناس لن يحققوا أحلامهم لسبب واحد! 99% of people will not achieve their dreams for one reason

  5. يورجن كلوب يعلق على ترتيب محمد صلاح الصادم فى الكرة الذهبية ويصف الامر بالفضيحة الكبرى

    يورجن كلوب يعلق على ترتيب محمد صلاح الصادم فى الكرة الذهبية ويصف الامر بالفضيحة الكبرى

  6. ابن الاسطورة مارادونا يتغنى برياض محرز وادم وناس ويقول اتنمى زيارة الجزائر لانهم يحبون مارادونا

    ابن الاسطورة مارادونا يتغنى برياض محرز وادم وناس ويقول اتنمى زيارة الجزائر لانهم يحبون مارادونا

  7. #mahrez #ballon_dor #محرز رياض محرز يغادر حفل الكرة الذهبية اليوم غاضبا بعد ما ظلموه في الترتيب

    #mahrez #ballon_dor #محرز رياض محرز يغادر حفل الكرة الذهبية اليوم غاضبا بعد ما ظلموه في الترتيب

  8. When you and your team are on the same page التفاهم والعمل الجماعي اقوى شئ

    When you and your team are on the same page التفاهم والعمل الجماعي اقوى شئ

  9. 'Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success '

    'Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success '

  10. The best way to multiply most good things in life is to share them with others

    The best way to multiply most good things in life is to share them with others

  11. How many tasks can you do at once? This is Next level Multitasking Bat Man Super Man Wonder Woman

    How many tasks can you do at once? This is Next level Multitasking Bat Man Super Man Wonder Woman

  12. visualization is the best way to understand the internals of anything, especially #javascript

    visualization is the best way to understand the internals of anything, especially #javascript

  13. Never judge a book by it's cover! NEVER 👊

    Never judge a book by it's cover! NEVER 👊

  14. Stunning Art😍❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Stunning Art😍❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. I love her passion!Please drop a ❤️ for her excellent artwork.

    I love her passion!Please drop a ❤️ for her excellent artwork.

  16. The only way to do great work is to love حب ما تعمل حتى تعمل ما تحب

    The only way to do great work is to love حب ما تعمل حتى تعمل ما تحب

  17. How salamander grows from a single cell. Birth of a new life

    How salamander grows from a single cell. Birth of a new life
