Derek Johnson | Dear Derek Johnson, "It’s time EVERYONE knows 🎯 Many already knew or speculated but it’s high time. 💯🇺🇸"? (In Reference to General Flynn) READ:
The Bible | How to Read THE BIBLE 101 With Aaron Antis + Is the Chinese Communist Party Updating the Bible With Socialist Values? "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
Doctor | What’s In the COVID-19 Shots? What to Do If You’ve Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots? How to Find a Doctor IN ALL 50 STATES That Will Not Push The Big Pharma Great Reset Agenda | Does the COVID-19 Shot Cause VAIDS?
ReAwaken America Tour Nashville | 142 Tickets Remain for the ReAwaken America Tour Nashville, TN (January 20th & 21st)!!! + Why Is the World Economic Forum Predicting a Cyber Pandemic?
Antivirus for the Mind? | "To Prepare for This Kind of World, We Need An Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harari | "These Have One Mind And Shall Give Their Power And Strength Onto the Beast." - Revelation 17-13