2 years agoRietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 (I41_amd) using FullProf & VESTA SoftwareNanoencryption
2 years agoRietveld Refinement of BaFe12O19 (Hexagonal Structure - P63_mmc) in two step using FullProf SoftwareNanoencryption
2 years agoHow to Perform Maximum Entropy Map (MEM) Analysis using Rietveld Refinement via FullProf SoftwareNanoencryption
2 years agoHow to Indexing XRD peaks with Miller Indices(hkl) with the help of Rietveld Refinement (FullProf)Nanoencryption
2 years agoRietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CdS(P63mc) using FullProf and VESTA SoftwareNanoencryption
2 years agoRietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 using FullProf Suite and VESTA SoftwareNanoencryption
2 years agoDouble Phase Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of BiCaFeMnO using FullProf and VESTA Soft.Nanoencryption
2 years agoEstimation of Av. Size & Strain, Microstructure from XRD data via Rietveld Refinement (FullProf Sof)Nanoencryption
2 years agoEstimate the Crystallite Size & Microstrain from XRD Pattern via Rietveld Refinement data (WHM plot)Nanoencryption
2 years agoHow to calculate the average bond length RA and RB from XRD data by employing Rietveld RefinementNanoencryption
2 years agoHow to calculate Crystallite size (t) from XRD pattern with WHM plot using Rietveld Refinement dataNanoencryption
2 years agoMultiphase or Dual Phase Rietveld Refinement of BiCaFeMnO(R3c+Pbnm) using FullProf SoftwareNanoencryption
1 year agoThe Solitary Refinement Show! Forever Melting Down in the Oddest of Ways,Director Arketer Live
2 years agoHow to estimate Bond Structure via Rietveld Refinement using FullProf Software.Nanoencryption
2 years agoLe Bail fitting of XRD Pattern of Barium Iron Oxide (BaFe12O19) via Rietveld Refinement via FullProfNanoencryption
2 years agoCrystal Structure of NiFe2O4 Ferrite (Nickel Ferrite) CIF Rietveld Refinement FullProf VESTANanoencryption