1. "Searching for Marilyn Monroe" A glance into the mind of Pae Veo.

    "Searching for Marilyn Monroe" A glance into the mind of Pae Veo.

  2. Apostasy Complacency Refinement Balls in Our Court April 21, 2023, #1

    Apostasy Complacency Refinement Balls in Our Court April 21, 2023, #1

  3. iPhone 15 Pro Review: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly!

    iPhone 15 Pro Review: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly!

  4. Search & Match, XRD Pattern and Rietveld Refinement using Match! 3 Software

    Search & Match, XRD Pattern and Rietveld Refinement using Match! 3 Software

  5. Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 (I41_amd) using FullProf & VESTA Software

    Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 (I41_amd) using FullProf & VESTA Software

  6. Rietveld Refinement of BaFe12O19 (Hexagonal Structure - P63_mmc) in two step using FullProf Software

    Rietveld Refinement of BaFe12O19 (Hexagonal Structure - P63_mmc) in two step using FullProf Software

  7. How to Perform Maximum Entropy Map (MEM) Analysis using Rietveld Refinement via FullProf Software

    How to Perform Maximum Entropy Map (MEM) Analysis using Rietveld Refinement via FullProf Software

  8. How to Indexing XRD peaks with Miller Indices(hkl) with the help of Rietveld Refinement (FullProf)

    How to Indexing XRD peaks with Miller Indices(hkl) with the help of Rietveld Refinement (FullProf)

  9. Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CdS(P63mc) using FullProf and VESTA Software

    Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CdS(P63mc) using FullProf and VESTA Software

  10. Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 using FullProf Suite and VESTA Software

    Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of CuFe2O4 using FullProf Suite and VESTA Software

  11. Double Phase Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of BiCaFeMnO using FullProf and VESTA Soft.

    Double Phase Rietveld Refinement and Crystal Structure of BiCaFeMnO using FullProf and VESTA Soft.

  12. Estimation of Av. Size & Strain, Microstructure from XRD data via Rietveld Refinement (FullProf Sof)

    Estimation of Av. Size & Strain, Microstructure from XRD data via Rietveld Refinement (FullProf Sof)

  13. Estimate the Crystallite Size & Microstrain from XRD Pattern via Rietveld Refinement data (WHM plot)

    Estimate the Crystallite Size & Microstrain from XRD Pattern via Rietveld Refinement data (WHM plot)

  14. How to calculate the average bond length RA and RB from XRD data by employing Rietveld Refinement

    How to calculate the average bond length RA and RB from XRD data by employing Rietveld Refinement

  15. How to calculate Crystallite size (t) from XRD pattern with WHM plot using Rietveld Refinement data

    How to calculate Crystallite size (t) from XRD pattern with WHM plot using Rietveld Refinement data

  16. Multiphase or Dual Phase Rietveld Refinement of BiCaFeMnO(R3c+Pbnm) using FullProf Software

    Multiphase or Dual Phase Rietveld Refinement of BiCaFeMnO(R3c+Pbnm) using FullProf Software

  17. The Solitary Refinement Show! Forever Melting Down in the Oddest of Ways,

    The Solitary Refinement Show! Forever Melting Down in the Oddest of Ways,

  18. How to estimate Bond Structure via Rietveld Refinement using FullProf Software.

    How to estimate Bond Structure via Rietveld Refinement using FullProf Software.

  19. Rhinoplasty refinement

    Rhinoplasty refinement

  20. Gnome OS: The Future Of Linux Or Subtle Refinements?

    Gnome OS: The Future Of Linux Or Subtle Refinements?

  21. Le Bail fitting of XRD Pattern of Barium Iron Oxide (BaFe12O19) via Rietveld Refinement via FullProf

    Le Bail fitting of XRD Pattern of Barium Iron Oxide (BaFe12O19) via Rietveld Refinement via FullProf

  22. Crystal Structure of NiFe2O4 Ferrite (Nickel Ferrite) CIF Rietveld Refinement FullProf VESTA

    Crystal Structure of NiFe2O4 Ferrite (Nickel Ferrite) CIF Rietveld Refinement FullProf VESTA
