Once Anointed Misty Edwards IHOP Worship Leader/Others abused by Mike Bickle fake jesus movement. He sex manipulated many slaughtered YAHS Sheep, another gospel not JESUS OF THE BIBLE! Pray for them
University of Cincinnati: Preaching To Thousands of Students, Many Ignore Me, One Young Female Interviews Me For Her Civics Project, Some Mock and Jeer, One Student Rebukes Me For Judging, I Pass Out 3 Gospel Tracts, Preaching Jesus!
UI Urbana: Young Agitated Black Man Helps Me Draw Crowd, Refuting Muslims Who Try To Claim Bible Contradictions, Exposing Atheist's Folly, Exalting Jesus Christ
Sam Houston State Univ: Heckler Decked In Rainbow Waiting For Me, Lesbians Oppose Me, Large Crowd Forms, One Sinner Calls The Police On Me, Another Rowdy Day As I Exalt Jesus Christ
Univ of Connecticut Wild & Hostile Crowd As Muslims Stir Dissension, I Tear Apart Islam, One Student Who Rips Up My Tract Humbles Himself Later, "Christian" Belgium Woman Assaults Me, Kicks My Bag, I Call Police, Crowd Swells, Exalting Jesus
Eastern Washington University: Homosexual Hecklers Help Me Draw A Crowd Of About 60 Students, Police Presence Helps Keep Things Civil, Several True Christians Come Out To Support Me, Dealing w/ Agnostics & Atheists Most of the Day, Exalting Jesus!
Univ of Arkansas: Thief Repents And Returns My Hat, I Persuade Group of Christians That They Can Overcome All Sin In Jesus, One Student Desperate To Overcome Porn Addiction, A Great Day Even in The Cold Rain
Top Israeli Ministers Hiding In Bunkers, Iran Notifies UN of Intent To Attack Israel, Speculative Timelines I Created For Tribulation, Rapture, Jesus' Return, Rabbi Weisberg Claims Trump Is The Non Jewish Messiah Who Will Help Jews Rebuild 3rd Temple
Brother & Street Preacher Gabriel Asked About Romans 14, Colossians 2, Book of Galatians Regarding Keeping Shabbat, Rebuking Elijah, Matthew & Kerrigan Skelly A Second Time, Exalting Jesus! A Bible Study on Rom 14, Col 2, Galatians
Holy Spirit Prophetic Word Given to Me about You Wicked Parents in the USA Who Refuse to Teach Your Children to Love Jesus Christ, walk in the Hebrews 8 Covenant, and obey Yah