SUNY Oneonta: Before I Even Get To My Preaching Spot, Police Arrest Me, Take Me Into Custody, Book & Process Me, Fingerprint Me, Then Shove Me In Front of A Local Judge, Judge Then Releases Me!!!! (Arrested for the Gospel's Sake)!
DC Restaurant Releases Brutal Statement Announcing Firing of Woke Employee/Legal Team Fights Hospital’s Agenda to Schedule Nurses to Help with Abortions/Trump CRUSHES ABC News and George Stephanopoulos to Win Defamation Suit – ABC and Disgraced Host M
French Government Collapses As Millions Rise Up and Reject WEF Agenda/Pete Hegseth Shoring up Support from Key Republican Senators /James O’Keefe Releases FEMA Investigation Part 1: “FEMA Doesn’t Want These People” – Human Bones Found in Storm