University of Pittsburgh: Preaching In The Snow, Contending w/ A Lesbian, Angry Sinner Yells In My Face, Humble Student Asks Questions, A Jew Asks How To Be Born Again
Eastern Washington University: Final Day of Preaching for The Academic School Year, Very Civil & Sober Crowd, Lots of Great Questions, One Heckler Apologizes To Me, A Spectacular End To The School Year
Iowa State Univ: Student Dressed Like "Jesus" Mocks the Gospel, Hypocrite Joins Forces With Potty Mouths, Trans, A Homosexual Female "Pastor" Holds God Is Queer Sign, Huge Crowd Eventually Gets Smaller And Great Questions Emerge
UC Santa Barbara: Large Crowds, Mostly Hostile, As I Contend w/ Homosexuals, Kissing Lesbians, Mockers, Jews, a Rabbi, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites -- Jesus Christ Preached To Thousands!
Montana State University: Apathy Broken, Filthy Kissing Lesbians Help Me Draw Large Crowd, Dealing with Perverts, Agnostics, Evolutionists & Hypocrites
South Dakota State University: Catholic & Christian Hypocrites Defend Sin, Draws Crowd, Contending w/ Atheists & Homosexuals, Jesus Christ Exalted, Some Pure Hearts Approach Me To Encourage Me
University of Texas, San Antonio: Atheist Contending With Me Helps Me Draw A Small Crowd, Great Questions, Sober Students, A Wonderful Day of Exalting Jesus Christ
UI Urbana: Loud-Mouthed Hypocrite Helps Draw 1st Crowd, Then 2nd Crowd Much Larger, More Volatile & Hostile, One Young Woman Greatly Encouraged by The Preaching, Contending w/ Atheists, Skeptics, Muslims, Jews & Hypocrites
Montana State University: Rebuking a Catholic & Some Hypocrites, Ministering to Some Humble Christians, A Few One on One Conversations & Lots of Apathy
Oklahoma State University: Backslider Under Conviction, Homosexual Hecklers Help Me Draw Crowd, Proving to Agnostics & Skeptics the Bible True, Admin Warmly Welcomes Me To Campus
Univ of New Mexico: Biggest Crowd Ever, Demon-Possessed Student Tries to Wrench My Banner From Me, He Gets Tackled to the Ground, Extremely Hostile Crowd, But Jesus is Exalted & Another Campus Christian Ministry Prays For Me and Helps Me Minister
University of Nevada Las Vegas: Some Mockers, Lesbians Kissing, One Young Man Seemed To Be Under Conviction, Jesus Christ Exalted to Thousands of Students