Hillary a Major Planner in the Ultimate Coup of America if They Can't Steal the 2024 Election From Trump — With Trump LATE on Having Used the Insurrection Act When He Was Supposed to in 2020, They Don't Plan on Letting Him in 2025!
EMERGENCY: Democrats Move to Make Gun Ownership in America Illegal as Multiple Cases Hit The Supreme Court, and Biden Promises To Ban Assault Weapons. It's 2 Minutes to Midnight! | #KeepinItReal #YouCanChangeReal #RightNowItsLikeThis
BREAKING: Texas Pulls $8.5 Billion From BlackRock Over ESG Insanity — But a Q-esque "Trust The Plan" Mentality IS the Undoing of [NOT THE CORPORATION], But America itself if People Go on Like This!
LIVESTREAM: Mike & Josh Double Tarot Reading "For America", Tom of Indie R Joins Us, + Josh Shares His Knowledge on Manifestation [Saturday, 5/25/24 @ 7:30PM EST]