The 3 Main Orders: The Order of the Golden Dawn, The Order of the Phoenix, The Order of Melchizedek (not the Biblical Order of Melchizedek, but a Counterfeit/Mockery) + Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall
Relationship with God, The Enemy Wants to Destroy That Relationship + Overcome the Enemy with Word of Your Testimony and the Blood of the Lamb + Read Your Bible
AI, Goes Back to Lucifer, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Knowledge Refers to Entanglement, WItchcraft, Knowing Demons not God + Black Mirrors
Mike Pompeo, Has Worked Against Trafficking + When There's No Evidence of People's Satanic Crimes Maybe We Will Need to Arrest Them for Other Things Instead
Act Lawfully + We Needed the Light Side of the System to Take Down the Dark Side of the System + Volkswagen, Hitler & Sex Magick, Richard Wagner's The Valkyrie