1. MASSIVE WINTER BROOD & SPECIAL GUEST. | Bee Barn Beekeeping #beekeeping #insects

    MASSIVE WINTER BROOD & SPECIAL GUEST. | Bee Barn Beekeeping #beekeeping #insects

  2. The End of Preparation | Winter is Here | Hives preparing to battle winter. #beekeeping #bees

    The End of Preparation | Winter is Here | Hives preparing to battle winter. #beekeeping #bees

  3. Why Are My BEES Dead? | Green Bee Barn Bees Poisoned? | #beekeeping #bees

    Why Are My BEES Dead? | Green Bee Barn Bees Poisoned? | #beekeeping #bees

  4. Don't smash your bees! | Inspecting small hives and hiding secret project. #beekeeping #beecastle

    Don't smash your bees! | Inspecting small hives and hiding secret project. #beekeeping #beecastle

  5. 28F Massive Swarm | Get these bees off my head! #bees #swarm #beekeeping #insects

    28F Massive Swarm | Get these bees off my head! #bees #swarm #beekeeping #insects

  6. I Can't Do This Anymore | It's time to make a change. #beekeeping #bees #beecastle

    I Can't Do This Anymore | It's time to make a change. #beekeeping #bees #beecastle

  7. Installing 20 Bee Hives in the Bee Castle Bee Yard. | #beekeeping #beecastle #subaru #bees

    Installing 20 Bee Hives in the Bee Castle Bee Yard. | #beekeeping #beecastle #subaru #bees

  8. Chaos in the Bee Yard! | Long day of inspections followed by massive swarm. #beekeeping #bees

    Chaos in the Bee Yard! | Long day of inspections followed by massive swarm. #beekeeping #bees

  9. Fixing a Weak Beehive | Bee Yard Maintenance | HISEA Boots Update #beekeeping #bees #beekeeping101

    Fixing a Weak Beehive | Bee Yard Maintenance | HISEA Boots Update #beekeeping #bees #beekeeping101

  10. Moving a Beehive 3 feet or 3 miles? - Moving honeybee colony in preparation for winter.

    Moving a Beehive 3 feet or 3 miles? - Moving honeybee colony in preparation for winter.

  11. DEADOUT HIVE - Why did my bee hive die? The bees are gone, the queen is gone, now the hive is gone.

    DEADOUT HIVE - Why did my bee hive die? The bees are gone, the queen is gone, now the hive is gone.

  12. 2020 Bee Season Wrap Up: Thank You, Shout outs, Review, Stings, Leaderboard Winner!

    2020 Bee Season Wrap Up: Thank You, Shout outs, Review, Stings, Leaderboard Winner!

  13. Queen Excluder -- Adding the queen excluder to the hive and stacking supers. Springtime beekeeping.

    Queen Excluder -- Adding the queen excluder to the hive and stacking supers. Springtime beekeeping.

  14. Split a hive to stop a swarm. - The hunt for the Teal Queen results in a change of plans.

    Split a hive to stop a swarm. - The hunt for the Teal Queen results in a change of plans.

  15. Beekeeping is about problem solving. Bees do what bees do and beekeepers just assist.

    Beekeeping is about problem solving. Bees do what bees do and beekeepers just assist.

  16. Flow Preparation - Getting the hives ready for the nectar flow and bee-yard chores. #honeybees

    Flow Preparation - Getting the hives ready for the nectar flow and bee-yard chores. #honeybees

  17. Is the Flow Hive / Flow Hive 2 worth it? My opinion on the Flow Hive vs. Langstroth

    Is the Flow Hive / Flow Hive 2 worth it? My opinion on the Flow Hive vs. Langstroth

  18. Making Spring Bees During Winter | Time to feed the Queen #beekeeping #insects #8K

    Making Spring Bees During Winter | Time to feed the Queen #beekeeping #insects #8K
