The Degenerate Android-Madonna of Today, Tranny/Mass Shootings Rant—Why People Like Me Don’t Care + Moral & Immoral Behavior, The IMPORTANCE of Genuine Sexuality, Copy Vs. Inspired, Bending Time, Other Esoteric and Random Chat, and Some Laughs!
Alien Encounters with the Tall Whites at Nellis Air Force Base [During 1965–1967] | Charles Hall Reveals What the Tall Whites are Like! (2013 Rare Interview)
THE HOPELESS SERIES—Despair is Beautiful Because the Opposite End of it’s Spectrum Exists, and is Only THAT MUCH MORE Accessible After Despair Because it is Then More Identifiable. “If I Ever Lose My Faith in You” by Sting.
Dedicated to Loved Ones of All Kinds Who Help Restore Faith. Nothing Really Matters Til You Make it. Even When I’m Let Down—Life is for Learning! | The Pro-Complete-Your-Journey/Anti-Suicide Song “The Way of the World” by Cathy Dennis with D-Mob.
Jim Self on Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Your Inner -or- Internal Guidance System, and Free Will Vs. Predetermined Path—Which You Picked via Free Will; AKA “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” and “Why has God no Beginning and no End?
Despite MASSIVE Drop in Viewership at Fox and the Fact That it Doesn’t Matter Because Fox Has Unlimited Rothschild Illuminati Funds.. Here’s What’s Next in the Thickening 4D Timeline as it Proceeds to Split off From the 3D and into the 5D!
Different Healing Processes are Needed Depending on Which Stage of Development You're at!—These are the 3 Processes/Levels of Healing, + Equally as Big a Deal: WHAT IS SPIRITUAL BYPASSING? | Aaron Abke on the "Know Thyself Podcast" (Clip)
Street Scene (1931 Full Movie) | Starring Sylvia Sidney, William Collier Jr, Estelle Taylor | Themes of Gossip, Racism, Sexual Predators, Young [True] Love, Infidelity, and Murder! — Seems NYC Hasn't Changed Much Since Even ”Simpler Days”.
Abraham Hicks—The Good Thing About Negative Emotions! + Brian Johnson Reads an Excerpt by Esther Hicks (Who Channels Abraham) About Your Emotional Guidance System [From the Book “A Philosopher’s Notes”].