Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex Extraterrestrials Wars - Disclosure Project Arch. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death
Big Pharma CEOs Panicking After RFK Prepares To Dismantle Corrupt Industry/Full list of US banks closed in weeks as 1,000 set to shut by end of 2024//President-Elect Donald Trump Announces Reparations for White People/Melania Trump Speaks Out About Jill B
Diddy | What Is Diddy Doing to Justin Bieber In This Video? + 47 Diddy Facts That You Need to Know + Is Diddy the Music Industry's Jeffrey Epstein? Featuring Footage of: Bieber, Diddy's Body Guard, Usher & More