Red Planet Mars (1952 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: Husband-and-wife scientists (Peter Graves, Andrea King) pick up a pie-in-the-sky TV message supposedly from Mars.
The Wizard of Mars (1965 Full Movie) [L. Frank Baum] | Sci-Fi/Horror | John Carradine, Roger Gentry, Vic McGee, Jerry Rannow, Eve Bernhardt. | Summary: Four space travellers encounter a sinister force on Mars that threatens to stifle all life forms.
Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
When a Starseed is Brought to Reality That The Great Solar Flash is NOT as Advertised! | #ComicRelief #StarseedHumor #MakeUpYourMind and #JustKeepGoing | Ain't No Road Too Long – Waylon Jennings
The Glass Ceiling of Christianity, Why God Allowed The Romanov Dynasty's Fate + Why Nuclear War WON’T Happen, But "Little Boy" A-Bombs Are Possible, and Your Best Course of Action with That!
God-Source — Why an Orgasm? | WE in 5D: Even [ I ] Was Shocked That Josh [Aethereal Alchemist] Understood This So Well; Making for a Great 2-Way Explanation! Most Still Will Not Understand This Just Yet.