8 days ago2025.02.20 - Chemtrails, Corruption, Health, Supplements, Detox, It's All IntentionalDelivering The TruthVerified
5 months agoChemtrail Kook HAARP Montauk Project MKUltra ORGONE Wilhelm Reich!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
2 years agoCIA Chemtrail Insider Reveals The Real Reason They Put Barium In Chemtrails And Describes ComplexityPatriots Base
11 months agoVery Large Toxic Chemtrail Operation! Maybe for Pathogens, Not for Weather Control!😱Real Fishing Life
1 year agoUK MILITARY ADMITS TO POISONING THE SKIES - TheHealthyAmerican, Peggy HallFree Your Mind Videos
3 years agoBlack Goo Programmable Matter, AI Nanotechnology, Morgellons, Chemtrails by Harald Kautz VellaCGPATRIOT AWAKE with REASON
1 year ago2007 interview with AC Griffiths who says CHEMTRAILS are used for SCALAR WEAPONRYLibertarian99
4 months agoUSAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force | Chemtrail ChemicalsTruth Seekers WorldwideVerified
2 years agoChemtrails have gone on for a LONG time. Criminality at it's worst, check out this video compilationEverything you think you know are lies
11 months ago🙄Kristen Meghan formerly of the Air Force explaining the truth behind chemtrail technology.shoopdoggy
5 months ago特朗普內幕:逮捕令已準備就緒,可逮捕噴灑「種族滅絕」化學尾跡的精英 Trump Insider: Arrest Warrants Ready for Elites Spraying 'Genocidal' ChemtrailsHkGreatAwakening