King James Version is the Luciferian Brotherhood's Bible, Masons, Misleading Translations, Agape vs Charity, Compare with the New American Standards Bible
Jessie's Divorce in the Heavenly Courts, Authority Given By Satan and also By Jesus Christ + Jessie Bore the Sins of All the Previous Mothers of Darkness
Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area
The Queen's Twin Sister Lizbet + Survivor Experiences, Dragon Pit + Prince George, Royals Getting Him to Keep Stirring the Pudding Mix, George Being Groomed for Satanic Rituals
Kanye & Kim Kardasian, Black Wedding Ritual, Dark to Light, Bride, Mockery of Christ + Aleister Crowley, Equilibrium + Announces the End of the Dark Side, Expect False Christs Capable of Signs, Wonders and Miracles
Kanye's Sunday Services, Rhythms & Frequencies Familiar to Jessie from Childhood, "Witchy Force" + Sunshine (Jessie's Ritual Name), Lucifer's End-Time Agenda & Role Jessie was Meant to Play Opening All the Spiritual Gates
Johnny Depp is a Vampire + Vampire Masquerades, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Ritual Feedings, TV Advert (with a Message?) + Madonna Tried To Run and Get Out of the System, She Was Hunted Down and Brought Back In
Rihanna Umbrella Music Video Decode, Jay-Z, High Priest and Mason + Umbrella, Masonic Term, Clandestine Group, They Have Immunity, Clean-Up Crew After Operations + One-Eye Symbolism + Dark Magick, Bondage and Leather
Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), 10 Darks of Darkness, Testimony to be Played On a Loop + Frazzledrip Video (May Be An Option for Those Who Want to See it) + Code of Silence (and it Can't Go On)